11 years
of succeful work

65 000 т
of products per year

types of products


60 000 м²
of storage space

awards indifferent sectors

Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics of any thermal insulation material. IZOTERM mineral wool products have high thermal insulation properties, which is confirmed by a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. Structures using thermal insulation keep warmness in winter and coolness in summer.

Ecological compatibility
The use of modern technologies and equipment, as well as pure natural materials in the production of IZOTERM mineral wool insulation materials allows us to obtain products that do not pollute the environment, improve working conditions and increase the efficiency of production when working with these insulation materials.

Physical and mechanical properties
The assignable indicator influencing the arrangement of fibers in the mineral wool blanket is the compression ratio, which is responsible for changes in the strength characteristics. The catalog provides technical characteristics with a minimum value of the compression ratio (horizontal orientation of the fibers). With an increase in the compression ratio, the strength characteristics of the finished product are improved, as a consequence of the change in the arrangement of the fibers.

Due to their structure, IZOTERM mineral wool products have excellent acoustic properties: they significantly reduce the risk of vertical sound waves between the surfaces of a wall, improve airborne sound insulation of the room, sound-absorbing properties of the material, reducing the reverberation time, and thereby lowering the sound level in adjacent rooms.

Fire resistance
The fiber of the material is able to withstand, without melting, a temperature over 1000 °C. While the binder component evaporates at a temperature of 250 °C, the fibers remain intact, interconnected, retaining their strength and creating protection against fire. IZOTERM mineral wool products belong to the group of non-combustible materials, and this property allows to delay for a while the process of destruction of the load-bearing structures of buildings.

Water resistance
IZOTERM mineral wool products have effective water-repellent properties. The moisture trapped on the surface of the material does not penetrate into its thickness, so that it remains dry. IZOTERM mineral wool products are a hydrophobic material, practically not absorbing moisture. As is known, moisture conducts heat well. Getting into the thermal insulation material, it fills the air pores. At the same time, the heat-shielding properties of the wet material deteriorate noticeably.
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